Ornamental Grasses
Low maintenance, deer resistant grasses can be showy or soft accents in a garden
Great textural additions to any style garden, from formal to cottage to modern, as single specimens or planted in large groupings. Some have extraordinarily showy flowers, while others offer evergreen foliage or fall color. Fairly low in maintenance and high in impact, they are indispensable in today’s landscaping. In general, all ornamental grasses are deer resistant (with the exception of the fleshier lily relatives, e.g., Liriope).
Ornamental grasses list
Botanical Name | Common Name | Size & Comments |
Agave spp. – Century Plant *Super architectural and tough as nails! | ||
Agave ‘Blue Glow’ | Blue Glow Agave | 2′ H x 2-3′ W – solitary rosette of blue foliage with a burgundy/brown margin. Full to part sun, good drainage and minimal summer water. Protect when winter temps dip below 20 |
Agave bracteosa ‘Calamar’ | Squid Agave | 2′ H x 3′ W – spineless, non-clump forming, good drainage |
Agave gentryi ‘Jaws’ | Jaws Century Plant | 2-3′ H x 3’+ W – awesome green agave, heavily toothed leaf margins with red spines, great in containers, needs sharp drainage! (protect from wet winters to ensure hardiness) full to part sun |
Agave neomexicana | New Mexico Century Plant | 2′ H x 2-3’W – very hardy species, will colonize in time (esp. in sandy soils), needs good drainage, very heat/drought tolerant, full-part sun |
Agave parryi | Parry’s Century Plant | 18-24″ H x 24-30″W – very hardy species, will colonize in time (esp. in sandy soils), needs good drainage, very heat/drought tolerant, full-part sun |
Andropogon spp. – Big Bluestem | ||
Andropogon gerardii ‘Blackhawks’ | Blackhawks Big Bluestem | 4-5′ H x 2′ W – Prairie native, very hardy/adaptable to a wide range of soils, deep rooting, full sun. Upright habit (best w/ less fertile/moist soils), dark purple foliage w/glints of blue, deepens in fall |
Andropogon g. ‘Red October’ | Red October Big Bluestem | 5-6′ H x 2’W – upright habit, blue-green foliage w/red tips turning brilliant red in fall, enhanced by burgundy turkey foot-shaped blooms |
Bouteloua gracilis – Blue Grama Grass | ||
Bouteloua g. ‘Blonde Ambition’ | Blonde Ambition Blue Grama | 3′ H x W – fine textured blue/green foliage w/unique flag-like flowers on stiff stems – excellent winter interest! and adaptable to tough sites as well |
Calamagrostis spp. – Feather Reed Grass | ||
Calamagrostis x a. ‘Karl Foerster’ | Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass | 4-5′ H x 2-3′ W -cool season grass that breaks dormancy in Feb., low mound of foliage with an upright column of showy seed-heads in early summer, great vertical accent or en masse |
Calamagrostis a. ‘El Dorado’ | Gold Variegated Feather Reed Grass | 4′ H x 2’W – yellow variegated selection, does well in part sun, smaller than K. Foerster |
Calamagrostis a. ‘Overdam’ | Variegated Feather Reed Grass | 4′ H x 2’W – cream variegated foliage, does well in part sun (or at least without reflected heat), smaller than K. Foerster and blooms are creamier in color |
Calamagrostis brachytricha | Korean (Shade) Reed Grass | 3-4′ H x 2-3′ W – a taller grass for shade! with showy mauve tinted plumes in late summer/fall |
Carex spp. – Sedge *All of the below sedges are evergreen, but can be cut back every few years to refresh | ||
Carex buchananii | Leatherleaf Sedge | 24″ H x 18-24″ W – coppery evergreen foliage contrasts beautifully with blue/silver tones, vase shaped habit, full sun with regular moisture (but good drainage), may re-seed, cut back to refesh if needed every few years |
Carex comans ‘Frosted Curls’ | New Zealand Hair Sedge | 12-18″ H x 24″ W – finely textured, floppy mound |
Carex elata ‘Aurea’ | Bowles Golden Sedge | 24″ H x 18-24″ W – upright, ample moisture, part sun |
Carex flagellifera ‘Kiwi’ | Kiwi Weeping Sedge | 18″ h x 18-24″ W – fountain-like habit, sage green cultivar |
Carex glauca (flacca) ‘Blue Zinger’ | Blue Zinger Sedge |
18″ H x 24″ W – blue foliage for shade!, more clump forming than species, great en masse, tolerant of alkaline soils & clay, moist to dry, part to full shade |
Carex morrrowii ‘Aureo-variegata’ | Variegated Japanese Sedge | 12″ H x 18″ W – great edger in part sun |
Carex m. ‘Ice Dance’ | Ice Dance Japanese Sedge | 12-18″ H x 24-36″ W – upright, spreads by rhizomes |
Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ | Variegated Japanese Sedge | 12-18″ H x 18-24″ W – very similar to C. m. Aureo-variegata, part sun to shade |
Carex o. ‘Evercolor Everest’ | Variegated Japanese Sedge | 12-18″ H x 18-24″ W – white variegated form, wider blades |
Carex o. ‘Everdi’ | Green Sedge | 8 – 12″ H x W – compact, good en masse |
Carex o. ‘Everillo’ | Everillo Golden Sedge | 20″ H x 24″ W – golden/chartreuse arching mound (great sub for C. ‘Bowles Golden’) |
Carex pennsylvanica | Oak Sedge | 18″ H x 24″ W – semi-evergreen, spreads by rhizomes, native throughout prairie, upper midwest in dry woodland settings, great lawn alternative (natural meadow) for shadier areas |
Carex testacea | Orange Sedge | 18-24″ H x 24″+ W – olive green w/orange overtones in sun, will seed around in moist environments |
Chasmanthium latifolium – Northern Sea Oats | ||
Chasmanthium latifolium | Northern Sea Oats | 2-3′ H x W – arching habit w/dangling oat-like seed heads that fade to tan and are great dried, woodland’s edge native to eastern US, prefers moist soils in sun to part shade, will re-seed heartily under ideal conditions |
Chasmanthium l. ‘River Mist’ | Variegated Sea Oats | 2-3′ H x 3′ W – white variegation, showy seed heads in summer, part sun, moist |
Cortaderia selloana – Pampas Grass | ||
Cortaderia selloana | Pampas Grass | 8-10’+ H x W – can seed around, big and bold, semi-evergreen |
Cortaderia s. ‘Pumila’ | Ivory Feathers Dwarf Pampas Grass | 3-5′ H x 4-6′ W – bold creamy plumes, semi-evergreen, hardier than straight species |
Dasylirion spp. – Sotol or Desert Spoon | ||
Dasylirion wheeleri | Common Sotol | 3′ H x W – native to Chihuahuan desert, hardy to Z6!, evergreen (silver) toothed blades, very architectural. mature plants bloom with creamy flower spikes up to 9′! give sharp drainage |
Deschampsia cespitosa – Tufted Hair Grass | ||
Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hair Grass | 2-4’H x 2’W – semi-evergreen native, likes part sun to light shade and moist soil, will seed around, showy/airy blooms, good erosion control |
Deschampsia c. ‘Pixie Fountain’ | Dwarf Tufted Hair Grass | 18-24″ H x 16-20″ W – more compact selection of native, super hardy, evergreen, will take wet soils |
Festuca spp. – Fescue *Evergreen bunchgrasses that are tolerant of heat, drought and poor soils | ||
Festuca californica | California Fescue | 2-3′ H x W – native, wider blue-green blades, takes more shade, great under oaks |
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ | Elijah Blue Fescue | 12-18″ H x W – most common variety, very blue, can seed around |
Festuca idahoensis ‘Siskiyou Blue’ | Siskiyou Blue Idaho Fescue | 12-18″ H x W – steely blue foliage, longer lived than Euro counterpart |
Festuca i. ‘Stanislaus River’ | Stanislaus River Idaho Fescue | 12″ H x W – more compact, blue-green foliage, long lived |
Hakonechloa macra – Japanese Forest Grass *All like rich/moist soil in part-full shade | ||
Hakonechloa macra | Green Japanese Forest Grass | 18″H x 18-24″ W – straight species is hardier, more vigorous and more tolerant of sun/heat, a great foil for variegated/golden shrubs |
Hakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’ | Golden Japanese Forest Grass | 18″ H x 24-36″ W – fluorescent gold foliage! |
Hakonechloa m. ‘Aureola’ | Golden Variegated Japanese Forest Grass | 12-18 H x 18-24″ W – most commonly used, great around trees in mass |
Hakonechloa m. ‘Fubuki’ | White Variegated Japanese Forest Grass | 14″ H x 16″ W – more compact habit, slower growing, great for brightening up a dark space |
Hakonechloa m. ‘Beni Kaze’ | Japanese Forest Grass | 18-24″ H x 24-30″ W – all green variety w/ awesome red fall color, more vigorous than variegated forms |
Helictotrichon sempervirens – Blue Oat Grass | ||
Helictotrichon sempervirens | Blue Oat Grass | 2-3′ H x W – evergreen(blue), likes it hot and dry w/good drainage, easy care (just comb in spring), dainty seed heads rise up to 4-5′ |
Helictotrichon s. ‘Saphirsprudel’ | ‘Sapphire Fountain’ Blue Oat Grass | 2-3′ H x W – more robust, slightly wider blades, better w/humid conditions |
Hesperaloe parviflora – False Red Yucca *Evergreen hummingbird magnet! (give full sun and good drainage) | ||
Hesperalo parviflora | False Red Yucca | 2-3′ H x 3-4′ W – Spikes of tubular coral flowers rise up to 5-6′ in summer, great in containers too! |
Hesperaloe p. ‘Desert Son’ | Yellow (Blooming) False Yucca | 2-3′ H x W – Buttery yellow blooming cultivar, slightly less vigorous |
Imperata cylindrica – Japanese Blood Grass | ||
Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ | Japanese Blood Grass | 1-2′ H x 2’+ W – red tips throughout the season ( best in full sun), tolerates wet soil, spreads by runners |
Juncus spp. – Rush *Evergreen PNW natives that grow in moist places (stream/river side + ditches) | ||
Juncus effusus | Soft Rush | 2-3′ H x W – stiffly upright green foliage, little brown seed heads |
Juncus ensifolius | Swordleaf/Daggerleaf Rush | 12-24″ H x W – flat green lades, large brown seed heads |
Juncus patens | California Gray Rush | 2’+ H x W – stiffly upright blue/gray foliage, more heat and drought tolerant than J. effusus |
Liriope spp. – Lily Turf *Evergreen groundcovers for part-full shade, great en mass | ||
Liriope muscari | Big Blue Lily Turf | 2′ H x W – bright green foliage and dark purple blooms (like grape hyacinth) in summer |
Liriope m. ‘Silvery Sunproof’ | Variegated Lily Turf | 15-18″ H x W – yellow/white variegated form, lighter purple flowers, most sun tolerant variety |
Liriope spicata ‘Silver Dragon’ | Variegated Creeping Lily Turf | 12″ H x 24″+ W – white variegated foliage, light purple flowers, dense ground cover (spreads by runners) |
Miscanthus spp. – Maiden Grass | ||
Miscanthus s. ‘Adagio’ | Dwarf Maiden Grass | 5’H x 3′ W – compact form, multi-colored highlights in fall |
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gold Bar’ | Compact Zebra Grass | 4-5′ H x 2-3′ W – slow growing compact zebra grass w/condensed striping pattern, burgundy flower plumes |
Miscanthus s. ‘Gold Breeze’ | Gold Breeze Zebra Grass | 5-7′ H x 2-3′ W – more vigorous than ‘Gold Bar’ w/softer fountain-like habit, concentrated horizontal gold banding, bronzy plumes |
Miscanthus s. ‘Gracillimus’ | Maiden Grass | 5-6′ H x 6’+ W – slender blades w/silvery midrib, orange fall color, can seed around a lot |
Miscanthus s. ‘Little Kitten’ | Dwarf Maiden Grass | 2-3′ H x 2′ W – smallest cultivar, short plumes, bronzy fall color |
Miscanthus s. ‘Morning Light’ | Variegated Maiden Grass | 3-4′ H x W – white variegated sport of ‘Gracilimus’ |
Miscanthus s. ‘Rotsilber’ | Red and Silver Maiden Grass | 6-7′ H x -4-5′ W – red tips and plumes, vigorous, great in a mixed screen |
Miscanthus s. ‘Yaku Jima’ (‘Yakushima’) | Compact Maiden Grass | 3-4′ H x W – compact form, red fall color |
Miscanthus s. var. ‘Purpurescens’ | Flame Grass | 3-4′ H x W – wider, non-serrated blades, orange-maroon fall color, like moist soil |
Molinia spp. – Moor Grass | ||
Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea ‘Moorflamme’ | Purple Moor Grass | 3′ H x 2.5′ W – compact mound of blue-green foliage, early blooming w/a haze of airy tan flowers (awesome when backlit), gold/coppery fall color, sun-part sun w/regular water, long lived |
Molinia c. ‘Variegata’ | Variegated Moor Grass | 18-24″ H x W – slower growing, part sun, likes moist soils |
Molinia caerulea ssp. arundincea ‘Skyracer’ | Tall Moor Grass | 3′ (6-8′ in bloom) H x 2-3′ W – finally a tall grass for shadier conditions! |
Muhlenbergia spp. – Muhly Grass | ||
Muhlenbergia capillaris | Pink Muhly Grass | 3′ H x 3-5′ W – semi evergreen, likes good drainage, haze of pink flowers in fall is out of this world! |
Muhlenbergia c. ‘Fast Forward’ | Fast Foward Pink Muhly Grass | 2-3′ H x W – everything we love about the species but more refined foliage/shape and earlier to bloom (August!), still going strong into winter |
Muhlenbergia c. ‘White Cloud’ | Pink Muhly Grass | 3-4′ H x 4′ W – a white blooming selection, slightly later in fall and with a more upright habit, persists well into winter |
Muhlenbergia rigens | Deer Grass | 3′ H x W – CA native, evergreen foliage with 2′ tan flower spikes. Tolerates clay, seasonal flooding |
Ophiopogon spp. – Mondo Grass * Evergreen groundcover in the Lily family (related to Liriope too) | ||
Ophiopogon japonicus | Mondo Grass | 12″ H x 12-18″ W – dark green low mound, spreads slowly by runners, part-full shade, light purple flowers |
Ophiopogon j. ‘Nana’ | Dwarf Mondo Grass | 3-6″ H x 12″ W – makes a dense carpet, great on shady hillsides, under trees, in Asian style gardens |
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ | Black Mondo Grass | 8-12″ H x 12-15″ W – unique black foliage (most pronounced with sun, although afternoon shade is still best to prevent scorching) w/light purple-white flowers |
Panicum spp. – Switch Grass *All are tolerant of a wide range of soils and have very airy flower plumes | ||
Panicum virgatum ‘Cloud Nine’ | Tall Switch Grass | 7-8′ H x 4-6′ W – upright, blue foliage w/gold fall color, great miscanthus sub |
Panicum v. Heavy Metal’ | Heavy Metal Switch Grass | 4-5′ H x 2-3′ W – very upright form, blue foliage w/gold fall color |
Panicum v. ‘Hot Rod’ | Hot Rod Switch Grass | 3-4′ H x 2-3′ W – upright habit, the MOST burgundy colored selection yet, colors up early in the season, reddish blooms too |
Panicum v. ‘Northwind’ | Northwind Upright Switch Grass | 4-6′ H x 3-4′ W – very upright form, blue/green foliage w/gold fall color |
Panicum v. ‘Rotstrahlbusch’ | Red Ray’s Switch Grass | 3-5′ H x 3′ W – red tips and red fall color |
Panicum v. ‘Shenandoah’ | Shenandoah Switch Grass | 3-4′ H x W – burgundy fall color |
Pennisetum spp. – Fountain Grass | ||
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Burgundy Bunny’ | Dwarf Fountain Grass | 18″ H x W – burgundy highlights throughout the season |
Pennisetum a. ‘Little Bunny’ | Dwarf Fountain Grass | 12-18″ H x W – good edger, white/tan plumes |
Pennisetum ‘Little Honey’ | Dwarf Variegated Fountain Grass | 12″ H X W – creamy whited variegated foliage, very dwarf selection, tolerates part sun |
Pennisetum a. ‘Hameln’ | Dwarf Fountain Grass | 2-3′ H x W – classic landscape grass, white/tan plumes, can re-seed |
Pennisetum a. ‘Moudry’ | Black Flowering Fountain Grass | 3′ H x W – last of species to flower, large dark plumes, foliage has wider blades |
Pennisetum a. ‘Piglet’ | Dwarf Fountain Grass | 18-24″ H x W – great in between size |
Pennisetum orientale | Oriental Fountain Grass | 18-24″ H x 24-30″ W – more upright, long plumes w/rosy tint |
Pennisetum o. ‘Karley Rose’ | Karley Rose Fountain Grass | 3′ H x 3’+ W – larger than species w/ even rosier plumes |
Phormium spp. – New Zealand Flax *Evergreen, sword-like blades – very architectural *mostly Zone 8, best in a protected site | ||
Phormium ‘Amazing Red’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 2′ H x W – red foliage |
Phormium tenax ‘Atropurpureum’ | Red New Zealand Flax | 5-6′ H x W – hardiest variety, bronzy/burgundy foliage |
Phormium ‘Bronze Baby’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 3′ H x W – red foliage |
Phormium ‘Jack Spratt’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 18″ H x W – smallest cultivar, reddish/brown foliage w/twisty tips |
Phormium ‘Pink Stripe’ | Variegated New Zealand Flax | 4-6′ H x W – upright olive green blades w/pink margins |
Phormium ‘Platt’s Black’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 3-4′ H x W – one of the darkest cultivars |
Phormium ‘Shiraz’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 2-3′ H x W – compact cultivar w/ wine colored foliage |
Phormium ‘Sundowner’ | Variegated New Zealand Flax | 5’H x 4-6’W – olive green edged w/peachy pink |
Phormium ‘Tom Thumb’ | Dwarf New Zealand Flax | 2-3′ H x W – smallest green cultivar, olive blades w/brown margins and twisty tips |
Schizachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem *Prairie natives tolerant of poor soils, simple tan inflorenscence sparkle when back-lit and are an important food source for birds | ||
Schizachyrium s. ‘Standing Ovation’ | Standing Ovation Little Bluestem | 3-4′ H x 18″W – blue-green foliage, purple towards the stem base, tightly upright habit, dramatic fall colors range from copper to plum |
Schizachyrium s. ‘Blaze’ | Blaze Little Bluestem | 2-4′ H x 1-2′ W – prairie native, upright blue foliage w/red fall color |
Schizachyrium s. ‘Carousel’ | Carousel Little Bluestem | 2-3′ H x W – blue-green foliage w/pink summer highlights, more broad-vase shaped, coppery fall color, stiff stalks of tan flowers persist in winter, tolerant of a wide range of soils |
Seslaria spp. – Autumn Moor Grass | ||
Seslaria autumnalis | Autumn Moor Grass | 12-18″ H x W – evergreen bunch grass, adaptable in full/part sun, great edger or en masse |
Sisyrinchium spp. – Blue/Brown/Yellow Eyed Grass | ||
Sisyrinchium angustifolium’Lucerne’ | Lucerne Blue Eyed Grass | 12″ H x 18″ W – Eastern Us native Iris relative, perwinkle blue flowers larger than the species, also seeds around less and is hardier overall |
Sisyrinchium californicum | Yellow Eyed Grass | 8″ H x 12″ W – CA native to wet/boggy areas, blooms late spring, full to part sun, can self seed |
Sisyrinchium ‘EK Balls’ | EK Balls Blue Eyed Grass | 6″ H x 12″ W – compact, long blooming, tolerant of a range of conditions, full to part sun |
Sisyrinchium ‘Devon Skies’ | Devon Skies Blue Eyed Grass | 4-8″ H x 12″ W – prolific and long blooming iris relative, takes poor conditions, rocky soil, heat/drought |
Sisyrinchium idahoense | Idaho Blue Eyed Grass | 8-15″ H x W – native to open woodlands/wet meadows throughout westen US. Rich lavender flowers, but a shorter bloom time than named selections |
Sporobolus heterolepis – Prairie Dropseed | ||
Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie Dropseed | 2-3′ H x W – prairie native, heat/drought tolerant, great fall color, looks good en masse, blooms have slight fragrance |
Stipa spp. – Feather Grass *Evergreen, heat and drought tolerant | ||
Stipa (Nasella) tenuissima | Mexican Feather Grass | 2′ H x 2-3′ W – finely textured bright foliage/flowers, re-seeds prolifically! (good erosion control – or cut back before seed ripen) |
Stipa gigantea | Giant Feather Grass | 2-3′ H x 3-4′ W -evergreen, early summer blooms rise up 5-6′ (or taller) are amazing when backlit |
Stipa g. ‘Little Giant’ | Dwarf Giant Feather Grass | 2′ H x W – evergreen, petite version of the species with 3-4′ flowers spikes |
Xerophyllum – Bear Grass | ||
Xerophyllum tenax | Bear Grass/Indian Basket Grass | 2-3′ H x W – Native to sub-alpine west, evergreen, early summer white poker shaped bloom spikes, great for dry shade |
Yucca spp. *Evergreen, heat and drought tolerant, very architectural | ||
Yucca brevifolia | Joshua Tree | 8-12′ H x 6-8′ W – Mohave desert native, hardy to Zone 6! needs sharp drainage, gravel mulch and minimal supplemental water during summer. Protect during extreme winter weather until well established |
Yucca filamentosa ssp. smalliana ‘Bright Edge’ | Variegated Adam’s Needle | 2′ H x 3′ W – creamy/gold margins, tall ivory flower spikes (to 4’+) in early summer, smaller than species |
Yucca f. ‘Color Guard’ | Variegated Adam’s Needle | 2-3′ x 3-5′ W – gold central stripe, tall ivory flower spikes (to 4’+) early summer, pink tints in cold winter-spring |
Yucca f. ‘Excaliber’ | Adam’s Needle | 2′ H x 3-4′ W – compact blue leaved form, spikes of ivory bells attract loads of pollinators |
Yucca rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies’ | Sapphire Skies Blue Beaked Yucca | 6-10′ H x 3-4′ W – Hardiest of trucked species, native to N. Mexico. Slow growing, powder blue foliage makes a striking accent |

gave ‘Green Glow’
Want more help?
If you’d like more help with plant, shrub and/or tree selection or assistance with your landscape design, get details on our Design & Consult page about what types of services we provide.

Agave neomexicana

Bouteloua ‘Blonde Ambition’

Calamagrostis brachytrica

Carex oshimensis

Hakonechloa ‘Aurea’

Miscanthus ‘Adagio’

Muhlenbergia ‘Fast Forward’

Panicum ‘Heavy Metal’

Panicum ‘Shenendoah’

Pennisetum ‘Karley Rose’

Schizachyrium ‘Carousel’

Stipa gigantea

Yucca ‘Color Guard’
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