About Shooting Star Nursery & Our Knowledgable Team
Shooting Star Nursery offers a broad selection of trees and hard-to-find perennials and shrubs (to satisfy the plant nerd inside us), as well as the more common landscape plants. We grow many of our trees in rootmaker bags which create a superior root system and can be dug most of the year. Spread over 7+ acres, trees and plants are easily accessible for viewing. Knowledgeable staff are available to walk the grounds and assist with plant selection.
Family-owned and operated plant nursery

Owners Christie and Scott Mackison started Shooting Star Nursery in 2005 with the vision of supplying a wide range of plants, personal service, and reasonable prices to customers in Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley. We love nothing more than talking about plants and helping customers discover just what they are looking for!

Over 7+ acres of locally grown plants, shrubs and trees suited for our region, plus knowledgable staff to help you find what you’re looking for.

Shooting Star Nursery team members Bonni Engelhardt, Scott Mackison and Eric Hagerman enjoy a summer hike.
Experienced and knowledgable staff are here to assist you
Shooting Star Nursery caters to retail customers as well as landscape professionals. We also offer design and consultation services with personal attention and customized to your needs.
Delivery is available – from one tree to an entire trailer load.
Shooting Star Nursery is located at 3223 Taylor Road, Central Point, OR 97502. Get directions and see open hours.
We look forward to seeing you!
Christie & Scott Mackison
and the Shooting Star Nursery team
Meet the Shooting Star Nursery team members

Christie Mackison
Christie left the computer-driven world of architecture to get her hands dirty in landscape design and gardening. After graduating from U of O and working in architecture in Portland she started her own landscape design and installation business and learned her way around plants working at nurseries. She was enticed to the Rogue Valley to start a business that could keep her close to home and family. Christie can be found corralling her kids while answering plant questions or teaching a class on her favorite plants. Christie loves all things plants, especially Abutilons, Manzanita, Salvias, or edibles and can help you with your plant or landscape design needs. She is available for design and consultation appointments at the nursery or on site.
Christie was featured in a Mail Tribune article by Rhonda Nowak, “Celebrating women’s work with plants: Christie Mackison,” the second column and podcast in a series “featuring diverse local women whose work increases community access to gardens, gardening, locally grown plants and/or healthful, locally grown food”.
Visit our Design & Consultation page for details on how Christie can assist you.

Scott Mackison
Scott has become a true plant lover since being brought into the nursery world from architecture. He has a great eye and will pick out the best form of the tree you are looking for. Multi-trunks are his favorite and don’t get him started on olive trees (there are several hardy varieties that he can tell you about). Scott is a jack of all trades and you will find him doing everything from irrigation repairs, to loading trees to delivering large truckloads.

Kathryn Quick
Kathryn is a lifelong gardener and certifiable plant lover. She planted her first vegetable garden at five years old and hasn’t stopped since. She has many years of experience managing small businesses and here at Shooting Star you will find her answering phone questions, making tags, and doing her best to keep all the plant nerds organized!

Bonni Engelhardt
Bonni started out as a Shooting Star Nursery customer with her own gardening business, when she decided this was the place for her and joined the Shooting Star team in 2008. Bonni literally squeals with delight when unusual plants show up at the nursery – and can’t help collecting her favorites, like Eryngiums, Zauschneria, Hebes and hardy Cacti to name a few. She has also had her writing published in Fine Gardening Magazine. When not tending to her two energetic boys, or her plants, she is available for design and consultation appointments on location or at the nursery. See Bonni’s other plant lists for suggestions for specific themes and locations.
Visit our Design & Consultation page for details on how Bonni can assist you.

Eric Hagerman
Eric is a third-generation plant geek. He has gardened in Seattle and Louisiana and though still learning about the subtleties of the southern Oregon climate, his drive to learn is never ending. Ask him about pruning, native plants, or the theater. Eric is also an active member of the local Rock Garden Society.

Rachel Jonesmith
Rachel is our resident tree enthusiast and irrigation troubleshooter. If the name was in the public domain, she would go by The Lady Lorax. She speaks for the trees! Specifically oaks of all types and the Golden Desert Ash, which you can catch her singing to as she passes by. You might also spot her not practicing self restraint and pruning trees along the street, on restaurant patios, and anywhere else that needs a bit of cleaning up.

Kristen Albright
Kristen is a Rogue Valley native, and a horti-holic, who always has room for just one more plant in her garden. Anyone who has visited the nursery and seen our colorful retail displays is familiar with Kristen’s and Kira’s work. She also keeps the nursery well-stocked with everyone’s favorite plants as well as managing our grow team.
Kristen is a Certified Landscape Technician, whose current favorite plants include Heptacodium, Salvias, Euphorbias, Manzanitas and “anything new to the nursery”. When not here at Shooting Star, Kristen enjoys vintage VW bugs and, of course, her dogs.
Email Kristen

Kathy Pyle
Kathleen Pyle (Kathy) inherited the garden gene from her Boston grandfather, who was a skilled fruit tree grafter, and her Catalina Island grandmother who grew a coffee-can garden of flowering cactus, fuchsias and echeverias. Kathy has enjoyed careers in natural history education and horticultural writing for the trade and consumer press. She was an editor for GrowerTalks magazine and wrote two books for Better Homes & Gardens. Her plant passions are anything ericaceous from heathers to manzanitas, and the local native flora. Her native knowledge comes from frequent hikes with friends and her terrier Bobo. Kathy has a special fondness for buckwheats (Eriogonums) and usually spends her vacation exploring buckwheats of the West with the Eriogonum Society. Her favorites are St. Catherine’s lace (Eriogonum giganteum), native to Catalina Island, and Eriogonum thymoides growing in the sagebrush steppe of eastern Washington and Idaho.

Heather Bartko
Heather Bartko lives in Jacksonville. She loves dogs, cats, cooking and gardening, She especially loves Salvias and Callunas. She enjoys walking all over town admiring the historic trees and gardens with her dog, Don. Heather has an Associate degree in Environmental Horticulture from South Seattle Community College.
Looking for a specific plant, shrub or tree?
Our availability list is updated frequently so you can see at a glance what we have in stock at the nursery as well as the pot sizes. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us.