Pre-Planned Plant Collections
Mostly Natives Waterwise Collection
This mix is ideal for areas with full sun or a minimum of 5-6 hours, although some plants can tolerate light shade. But it is meant for a hot, drier location. As in any good pollinator garden, there are blooms spanning late winter through fall in order to provide a continuous food source for all our favorite winged and crawling friends. Grassy plants have also been included for habitat, offering hiding places for overwintering beneficial insects, and nest building supplies and seeds for other wildlife. This mix focuses on native perennials, shrubs, and grasses but has a few non-natives to ensure continuous bloom time and interest throughout the seasons.
Our Landscape Designers have curated some wonderful plant collections to make it easier for you enjoy beautiful, well thought out gardens that will thrive in the Rogue Valley climate. The collections include vignettes that complement each other and give all season interest, along with arrangement instructions, plant descriptions and spacing guidelines. The work is done!
Order your plant collection to have it ready for pickup at the nursery and enjoy a 10% discount. Most of our collections include a planting plan for a 90-100 square foot bed. This collection includes a planting plan for an approximately 180 square foot bed. This collection is a complementary matrix of plants that can be changed up in their layout and used in drifts for a larger space or lawn replacement.
Eriogonum umbellatum ‘Kannah Creek’ (Buckwheat) and Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ (Catmint) attract pollinators on a sunny, waterwise garden of mostly native plants
Want more help?
If you’d like more help with plant, shrub and/or tree selection or assistance with your landscape design, get details on our Design & Consult page about what types of services we provide.
VER – Veronica pectinata (Wooly Speedwell)
Evergreen groundcover is tough but has delicate, gorgeous deep blue/purple flowers in mid-spring (can substitute creeping thyme or other low/steppable plant)
ERIO – Eriophyllum lanatum (Oregon Sunshine)
Grows most anywhere; dormant in winter; a prolific spring bloomer with yellow flowers that beckon butterflies (can substitute ‘Siskiyouʼ variety or lower-growing Eriogonum ‘Kannah Creekʼ)
NEP – Nepeta ‘Walkerʼs Lowʼ (Catmint)
Herbaceous perennial that blooms from April to October with a shearing after first bloom (can substitute another variety or Verbena bonariensis or Aster)
ZAU – Zauschneria californica/ Epilobium canum (California Fuchsia)
Spectacular fall-blooming perennial needs space and good drainage; deep orange flowers attract pollinators; long bloom time (can substitute other varieties)
ARC – Arcostaphylos ‘Pacific Mistʼ (low-growing Manzanita)
Provides early season blooms for pollinators while being tough, evergreen, and heat and drought tolerant (can substitute lower/smaller manzanita)
FES – Festuca californica/ roemeri/ idahoensis (native Fescue Grass)
Habitat for pollinators, seeds for birds and soft texture contrasts with other plants (can substitute Deschampsia caepitosa (northern hair grass) if not in full sun)
ACH – Achillea millefolium (native White Yarrow)
A powerhouse for pollinators that can intermingle in this matrix with other perennials
ERI – Erigeron ‘Wayne Roderickʼ (Seaside Daisy)
Outstanding perennial has long-blooming lavender daisy flowers, evergreen leaves; tolerates clay or well-draining soil (can substitute Monardella)
CAM – Camassia leichtlinii (native Camas)
An important Native American crop and beautiful spring-blooming bulb; dormant in summer/dry spells; needs water in spring (can substitute Verbena bonariensis or other native bulb)
Other additions to consider:
- California Poppy – native annual that will self sow and is good filler while other plants are growing
- Daffodils – give spring interest when other plants are still waking up
- Deschampsia caepitosa (Northern Hair Grass) – if you have light shade or want to irrigate a bit more in more sun
- Aquilegia formosa (native Columbine) – if you have light shade
- Verbena bonariensis (upright Verbena) – a non-native butterfly and bee magnet that blooms all summer
- More native plants for our region
Ask About Delivery!
Shooting Star offers truck and trailer delivery of your plants. Or, if you have transportation, the staff will assemble your order and assist with loading your vehicle. We deliver to anywhere in the Rogue Valley vicinity including Central Point, Medford, Talent, Phoenix, Ashland, Eagle Point, Shady Cove, and Grants Pass. We can also deliver to areas beyond the Rogue Valley with advance notice.