Asian Garden
For the Rogue Valley
Plants, trees and shrubs that work well in an Asian-style landscape design
Asian landscape design is known to evoke a peaceful and meditative feeling. Hardscape elements such as stone, rock, and wood meld in harmony with carefully selected and placed trees, shrubs and plants. water features are often incorporated into the design. Below are appropriate Asian garden style plants we have found to grow well in our region.
Asian garden plants list
Botanical Name | Common Name | Comments |
FERNS | ||
Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’ | Japanese Painted Fern | |
Dryopteris erythrosora | Autumn Fern | |
Polystichum munitum | Western Sword Fern | |
Woodwardia fimbriata | Giant Chain Fern | |
Bamboo varieties | Bamboo varieties | |
Carex morrowii ‘Aureovariegata’ | Variegated Sedge | |
Carex testacea | Orange Sedge | |
Chasmanthium latifolium | Northern Sea Oats | |
Hakonechloa macra | Japanese Forrest Grass | |
Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ | Japanese Blood Grass | |
Liriope varieties | Lily Turf | |
Miscanthus varieties | Maiden Grass | |
Ophiopogon japonica | Mondo Grass | |
Pennisetum orientale | Oriental Fountain Grass | |
Acanthus mollis | Bears Breech | |
Abutilon ‘Smoked Salmon’ | ‘Smoked Salmon’ Flowering Abutilon | |
Anenome varieties | Japanese Anenome | |
Aquilegia varieties | Columbine | |
Astilbe varieties | Astilbe | |
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides | Dwarf Plumbago | |
Crocosmia varieties | Crocosmia | |
Dicentra varieties | Bleeding Heart | |
Epimedium | Bishop’s Hat, Barrenwort | |
Euphorbia varieties | Spurge | |
Fuschia erecta | Hardy Fuschia | |
Galium odoratum | Sweet Woodruff | |
Geranium varieties | Geranium varieties | |
Hellebore orientalis and other species | Lenten Rose | |
Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’ and other varieties | Coral Bells | |
Hosta varieties | Hosta | |
Iris ensata | Japanese Iris | |
Iris siberica | Siberian Iris | |
Paeonia | Peony | |
Pachysandra terminalis | Japanese Spurge | |
Thalictrum | Meadow Rue | |
Aronia melanocarpa | Black Chokeberry | |
Azalea varieties | Azalea | |
Berberis thunbergii | Japanese Barberry | |
Camelia japonica/sasanqua | Camelia | |
Chaenomeles | Flowering Quince | |
Choisya ternata ‘Aztec Pearl’ | Cutleaf Mexican Orange | |
Cotoneaster dammeri | Bearberry cotoneaster | |
Cotoneaster microphylla | Rockspray Cotoneaster | |
Cotoneaster parneyi (lacteus) | Cotoneaster | |
Daphne varieties | Daphne | |
Fothergilla | Fothergilla | |
Hammamelis | Witch Hazel | |
Hebe pinguifolia ‘Quicksilver’ | Quicksilver Hebe | |
Hydrangea varieties | Hydrangea | |
Ilex varieties | Holly | |
Kerria japonica | Kerria | |
Leucothoe fontanesiana | Drooping Leucothoe | |
Lonicera pileata | Privet Honeysuckle | |
Lonicera nitida | Box Honeysuckle | |
Mahonia aquifolium | Oregon Grape | |
Mahonia nervosa | Longleaf Oregon Grape | |
Mahonia repens | Creeping Oregon Grape | |
Nandina domestica | Heavenly Bamboo | |
Osmanthus varieties | Osmanthus | |
Osmerea burkwoodii | Osamerea | |
Pieris varieties | Andromeda/Lily of the Valley Shrub | |
Ribes aueum | Golden Currant | |
Ribes sanguineum | Red Flowering Currant | |
Rhododendron varieties | Rhododendron | |
Sarcococoa ruscifolia | Sweetbox | |
Sarcococoa humilis | Creeping Sweetbox | |
Skimmia japonica | Skimmia | |
Viburnum varieities | Snowball, Cranberry Bush, Viburnum | |
TREES | ||
Acer circinatum | Vine Maple | |
Acer dissectum varieties | Dissected Japanese Maple | |
Acer palmatum varieties | Japanese Maple varieties | |
Amelanchier gran. ‘Autumn Brilliance’ | Serviceberry | |
Carpinus japonica | Japanese Hornbeam | |
Cercis chinensis | Chinese Redbud | |
Chionanthus restus | Chinese Fringe Tree | |
Cornus kousa | KousaDogwood | |
Cornus mas | Cornelian Cherry | |
Gingko biloba | Gingko | |
Heptacodium miconoides | Seven Sons Flower | |
Malus varieties | Crabapple | |
Oxydendrumarboreum | Sourwood | |
Parrotia persica | Persian Parrotia | |
Persimmon ‘Fuyu’ | Fuyu Persimmon | |
Prunus sp. | Flowering Cherry | |
Sophora japonica ‘Regent’ | Japanese Pagoda Tree | |
Sorbus alnifolia | Korean Mountain Ash | |
Styrax japonica | Japanese Snowbell | |
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ | Japanese Tree Lilac | |
Ulnus p. sempervirens | Evergreen Chinese Elm | |
Chamaecyparis obtusa varieties | Hinoki False Cypress | |
Chamaecyparis psifera varieties | Sawara False Cypress | |
Cedrus atlantica glauca ‘Pendula’ | Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar | |
Juniperus torulosa | Hollywood Juniper | |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides | Dawn Redwood | |
Pinus aristata | Bristlecone Pine | |
Pinus contorta | Shore Pine | |
Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ | Dwarf Japanese Black Pine | |
Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’ | Vanderwolf’s Pyramidal Pine | |
VINES | ||
Akebia quinata | Five Leaf Akebia | |
Fallopia baldschuanica (Polygonum aubertii) | Silver Lace Vine | |
Hydrangea petiolaris | Climbing Hydrangea | |
Parthenocissus henryana | Silvervein Creeper | |
Trachelospermum asiaticum | Asiatic Jasmine | |
Trachelospermum jasminoides | Star Jasmine | |
Wisteria | Wisteria |

Abutilon ‘Smoked Salmon’
Want more help?
If you’d like more help with plant, shrub and/or tree selection or assistance with your landscape design, get details on our Design & Consult page about what types of services we provide.

Dryopteris Erythrosora


Anenome ‘Honorine Joebert’

Trachelospermum Asiaticum – Asiatic Jasmine
Looking for a specific plant, shrub or tree?
Our availability list is updated frequently so you can see at a glance what we have in stock at the nursery as well as the pot sizes. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us.