Fruiting Shrubs for the Home Garden – Part 1
Cane Fruits: Blackberries and Raspberries
Are you hoping to add a bit more variety into your edible landscape this year? Consider adding some fruiting shrubs into the mix! This week, we’ll look at …
Vitex agnus-castus
Chaste Tree
This drought tolerant Mediterranean native absolutely thrives here in the Rogue Valley! Vitex needs consistent heat in order to bloom profusely, and our long hot summers give them exact…
Choisya arizonica x ternata ‘Aztec Pearl’
‘Aztec Pearl’ Cutleaf Mexican Orange Blossom
Here’s a great choice for that elusive 4-5′ tall evergreen shrub! Choisya ‘Aztec Pearl’ smells great, is deer and drought resistant, pollinator-friendl…
Ceanothus ‘Emily Brown’
Ceanothus ‘Emily Brown’
Anyone who has visited Shooting Star’s demonstration gardens in spring has likely been stopped in their tracks by one of our favorite native plants – ‘Emily Brown’ Ceanothu…
Mahonia species
Being a local native plant, Mahonias can take both our winter wet and summer dry, and can be very drought tolerant once established. Their thick leathery leaves and spiny edges also make them unpa…
Fragrant Sweetbox
Dark and shady places – like the north walls of a home – can be extremely challenging sites to plant. Sarcococca, or Sweetbox, is an ideal shrub for low-light situations lik…
Ribes sanguineum ‘King Edward’
‘King Edward’ Red Flowering Currant
Flowering currants are one of the glories of the early Spring garden, with their cascades of brightly-colored flowers and soft green, scalloped leaves. And one o…
Fruiting Shrubs for the Home Garden – Part 2
Currants and Gooseberries
Currants and Gooseberries may be less familiar to Rogue Valley gardeners than other kinds of fruiting shrubs, but they’re great additions to your edible landscape – especi…
Hamamelis x intermedia
Witch Hazels (Hamamelis) provide delight in the garden year-round. Not only do they brighten these late winter days with their bright, fragrant spidery blooms decorating their bare branches; they …