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3223 Taylor Road, Central Point, OR 97502

Asian Persimmons

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chocolate persimmon

hachiya persimmon 1Persimmons are the fruit you didn’t know you needed.  So decorative!  So versatile! And fall color as a bonus in an edible tree.  Asian Persimmons are the main type for home gardeners to grow, even though there are American Persimmons (just not as edible).   There are astringent types (used for cooking and eaten soft and fruits have a pointed bottom), and the non-astringent types (can be eaten fresh when firm or soft and fruits have a flat bottom).  See below for the main types we carry.  The non-astringent varieties can keep for 3 weeks at room temperature while the astringent varieties need to be used right away.  Dried Persimmon is a delectable treat that can add vitamin A and C and beta ceratine to your winter days.  Persimmons can be used in baked goods and there are lots of recipes out there showing ways to use this gorgeous fruit.


persimmonPersimmons are self fertile so you can get away with one tree and offer vibrant orange fall color.  They are one of the last fruits to harvest in the late fall, usually October even into November.   Trees can typically get 20-25′ tall and wide and are not super fast growing.  They appreciate a well draining soil and full sun.   Most Asian Persimmons are hardy to zone 7.  Plase them so you can enjoy the glowing orange pumpkin like fruit hanging from bare branches in late fall.


Persimmon trees

Asian Persimmon varieties:

Persimmon ‘Chocolate’ Astringent, sm-med w/firm brown flesh, sweet/spicy, superb flavor
Persimmon ‘Fuyu’ (Jiro) Non-astringent, large/flat fruit ripens in Nov., eaten firm, highly ornamental tree, produces at a young age
Persimmon ‘Hachiya’ Very large, oblong fruit, astringent, best cooking quality, eaten soft, very ornamental tree, ripens Nov.
Persimmon ‘Saijo’ (“The very best one”) Astringent, few seed(good texture), sweet like honey, stores well, heat tolerant, consistent producer, vigorous grower, renowned for taste, hardy to zone 6